Sometimes people upload large .mov files or files that are clearly, not meant to be converted. Or uploading a 10 gb file , and then yetishare goes ahead and converts it into a 2gb mp4.. the quality is reduced, the quality is not what the user intended.. and it is no longer in its original shape or form
not everyone is smart enough to zip a file before uploading it.. so itd be better if you had a "Do not convert" option with a tool tip explaining what it means, that it wont be streamable
but still have an option from the admin side and user side where the user can choose that file on their file manager and convert it and admin could convert it too
not everyone is smart enough to zip a file before uploading it.. so itd be better if you had a "Do not convert" option with a tool tip explaining what it means, that it wont be streamable
but still have an option from the admin side and user side where the user can choose that file on their file manager and convert it and admin could convert it too