Timer was starting automatically while user opened download links. i want to show download free button and timer should start when user clicks on download free button.
I figured it out by disabling "display();" code from file "delayedRedirect.php" as mentioned below
After Edit
Before Edit
My question is, if it is safe to do this change?
or could this change disturbs any other function of script?
or any other solution is better to stop timer auto run.
Timer was starting automatically while user opened download links. i want to show download free button and timer should start when user clicks on download free button.
I figured it out by disabling "display();" code from file "delayedRedirect.php" as mentioned below
After Edit
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.download-timer-seconds').html(<?php echo (int) getDelayedRedirectWait(); ?>);
// display();
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.download-timer-seconds').html(<?php echo (int) getDelayedRedirectWait(); ?>);
or could this change disturbs any other function of script?
or any other solution is better to stop timer auto run.