Custom ports to storage servers


YetiShare User
Jan 13, 2015

It would be nice to have the option to add a custom port for a storage server. This will allow the users to, for example, install nginx in another port other than 80 just for this script. If the user have a hosting site with dedicated servers running apache he would be able to use them as storage servers for the filesharing script without modify the configs on apache.

This is quite simple to implement. For uploads, just edit the function getUploadUrl on the /core/includes/file.class.php to look like this in the middle:

if ($serverDetails['port'] != 80) $url = $serverDetails['fileServerDomainName'].':'.$serverDetails['port'].$serverDetails['scriptPath'];
else $url = $serverDetails['fileServerDomainName'].$serverDetails['scriptPath'];

Do the same in any other part of the script that returns and download or upload urls and add a the field "port" in the server's table