Search results

  1. L

    Performance issues

    My logs report this query to be slow (+60 seconds). SELECT COUNT(id) AS total, shortUrl FROM shorturl WHERE status='active' GROUP BY shortUrl ORDER BY visits DESC LIMIT 10 on my setup when accessing the admin panel of short url. I believe that query is being called for the top 10 table. My...
  2. L

    Performance issue on Admin panel

    The admin panel seems to load fairly slow on my large short url website. This perhaps may need some caching.
  3. L

    Api Not working at all

    Cant get api to load at all, just a white page using both xml or json Attached my server log, i get way too many errors. My hosting has php 5.5.5 under centos.
  4. L

    500 Error

    php version 5.3.20 the main page loads but when i try to login i get a 500 error
  5. L


    Your account on <website> has be created. Use the details below to login to your new account: you wrote "be", needs to be "been"