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  1. S

    Current Status

    It's now March 2020 and cPanel is removing PHP 5.6, deprecating this software. When will 5.0 be released?
  2. S

    Limit download transfer

  3. S

    Limit download transfer

    How goes the progress? 6 weeks turned into 10+ months it seems :p don't want to rush but I'm interested in the script. Don"t want to install and customize twice though so awaiting release.
  4. S

    Interested in this script, please tell about the big update coming

    Hello, I've been following this script for awhile and wanted to purchase it. I read about a big update coming soon but no details on the release date or much details about it. I am delaying purchasing the script until after the update because I don't want to have to setup and customize it twice...