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  1. N

    Google Adsense problem

    Sorted. My fault
  2. N

    Google Adsense problem

    Sorted. My fault
  3. N

    Google Adsense problem

    Just having a bit of a problem with Google adsense. I've added the code to the footer section in the settings. The code can be seen on the page source of the home page and the short url page but the ads aren't visible. Any Ideas? Cheers Gareth
  4. N

    Problem connecting to DB

    Sorted. I was using characters for the password that weren't allowed.
  5. N

    Problem connecting to DB

    Hi all, Having a bit of trouble setting the site up. It's hosted as a add-on domain on cPanel hosting account. define("_CONFIG_SITE_HOST_URL", ~"what goes here?" define("_CONFIG_SITE_FULL_URL", ~"What goes here?" define("_CONFIG_DB_HOST", "localhost"); ~Is this...