Search results

  1. M

    Copied from ticket #16247.

    - images cannot be dragged as an image from current folder to another folder displayed as an image in the "your images" overview they can be dragged to the foldername however in the left menu bar - please add the ability to add images to a public folder (call it a shared folder if you will)...
  2. M

    additional search functionality

    I'd like to +1 this feature request. We'd also like to be able add these metadata to pictures in the imagebank, Additional field "caption" (like a short description) Additional field "description" (longer description field) Meta tags/image tags could resemble "keywords", you might also be able...
  3. M

    New theme manually uploaded, but not visible in Theme Manager

    It seemed to be a problem on my development server. On the live server, the theme became available straight away. Maybe a caching issue ...
  4. M

    New theme manually uploaded, but not visible in Theme Manager

    If you manually add a theme to the /themes/ folder (where 'reservo' is already available per-default), how can you trigger the Themes Manager to actually see the newly installed theme?