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  1. A

    Session tables keeps on growing.

    Hi, I am not sure if this considered as a problem or not, but my session table keeps growing rapidly. My Database Reached 5GB in a week and I had to manually truncate the table. My guess is that there should a cronjob cleaning this table or an option in the admin panel to active such thing...
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    Read only storage still gets files

    Hi, I have defined three storage areas, (2 Local and 1 FTP) The FTP however was added later, and since then I decided to disable the upload to the local storage and so, I changed both local storage to "Read only" mode. Today I was going through the files uploaded and I noticed some files...
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    Imageviewer fails to show a preview

    Hi, I have jsut installed imageviewer plugin in my 4.0 script and I noticed all the images that goes through imageviewer gives a blank results, meaning imageviewer cannot load images correctly. I can still download the image from the server and I cannot see any preview. here is an example...