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    problem when regis user can't reseved new password

    thank you i fixe the problem with smtp server
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    problem when regis user can't reseved new password

    thank you i have big problem in my email mx how can cancel email send and user register with her password without email sending please help :?:
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    problem when regis user can't reseved new password

    hi i have problem in email when user register she can't reseved him the Password i try it for a lot email my web site can't send password to user
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    problem with chaging name of admin floder

    yes i change it in define('ADMIN_FOLDER_NAME', 'newnameadmin'); like this and i change name floder but she give me in white page why ? but when i rechange floder name in 'admin' it work
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    problem with chaging name of admin floder

    hi all i have v 4.00 i have problem with admin floder when i change name in and floder name i have white page in but when i rechange it in admin it work normal where is the problem please help me