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    Vouchers Plugin

    @yetisharemods, I was sent you a pm regarding my issue for this. Please reply my pm. Thanks
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    what's going on with yetisharemods?

    Yeah the developer seems not renew the domain =( I got this: This domain may be for sale. Backorder this Domain This Domain Name Has Expired - Renewal Instructions. Legal Terms How it's gonna be?
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    is there a way to include amazon cloud?

    There is available for Amazon S3 Plugins now on store if you want to store the files on S3
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    Payment Gateways

    I vote for Micropayment and Mtgox go go go go. But as far as I know Mtgox needed 10 days just for verification for make your account verified. Micropayment it was correct like @luckylutz said they need the imprint page same address like your verification data that you sent to them.
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    SMTP Setting Not Work

    Hi all, I would like to developer take a look on the Email Setting for SMTP it seems not work, I was tried with custom domain and Gmail Businesses still couldn't I also was change on the file includes/email_class/class.phpmailer.php public $SMTPSecure = 'ssl; or public...