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  1. S

    pay users "integration directly"

    Hi I have activated in my web the plugin YSM "vouchers " that works well , I give the vouchers to users, they use them and become "premium" for the time given , I can also make a premium user directly from the panel administration, all this part works fine, my problem is : As we all know the...
  2. S

    only one download premium users same time

    How I could check that only you can download files from premium users ONLY A moment every time. Avoid posting a PREMIUM account can use WHILE several people, as an account that downloading somewhere someone starts using that account then cut the first download. Something similar to how it works...
  3. S

    invitation mod

    hello I propose to create a plugin for records by invitation, the problem is that there are many people who register on the hosting website to check files and see if the files that are hosted its "ilegal or not" and report, if registre were by invitation only I would know that those who are...
  4. S

    install problem

    Hello when i try to install yetishare and execute said: Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/uploaded/public_html/install/index.php on line 31 Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in...
  5. S

    problems with file download option

    hi I have encountered a problem with the option: File Downloads - Whether to track current downloads/connections in the admin area. Note: This should be enabled if you also want to limit concurrent download connections. (yes/no) if i active this option my "download speed" down to 40 kb/s...
  6. S

    error 500

    hello i install a fresh v3.3 and execute "/install" and its OK, i can enter "admin zone" but when i writte principal site adress no connect: said ERROR 500 Error del servidor El sitio web ha detectado un error al recuperar la Es posible...
  7. S

    help for install script

    hello, i try to install script but some is wrong, database is OK, i writte XXXX but i put the correct dates the problems is with root my web data is: principal site: place for this script: root to hdupload: /home/hdvagos/public_html/hdupload the error...