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  1. Y

    Reward groups

    Easiest way to remove listings is to actually delete the database rows from the "plugin_reward_ppd_group" table. Depending on which groups you want to delete will depend on which query you want to use. DO NOT RUN ALL QUERIES, ONLY USE THE QUERY FOR THE GROUPS YOU DO NOT WANT TO USE Will...
  2. Y

    connected all the time

    No fix at the moment, but will possibly be added in the next update, see here:
  3. Y

    Add a cookie system

    Use session_set_cookie_params() ;) session_set_cookie_params ( $lifetime , '/', ''); Note, that the domain starts with a dot. This means, the session cookie is valid for every subdomain!
  4. Y

    Please suggest robots.txt file

    Something like this will work (You do need the empty line at the bottom according to the robots.txt inclusion standards) User-agent: * Disallow: /admin Disallow: /files Disallow: /includes Disallow: /js Disallow: /plugins Disallow: /themes
  5. Y

    Stop public access to files and folders

    Its not a problem due to there being nothing in those folders that can cause problems. But if you're that concerned about it then you can upload a file named index.html and that will stop any directory listing (which should be turned off anyway).
  6. Y

    Critical BUG

    Feel free to contact Adam regarding the product license. I am just repeating what I was told regarding re-distribution of the files.
  7. Y

    Critical BUG

    If you do modify the code, please remember that you cannot re-distribute any core files modified or un-modified. You can however provide a tutorial on how users can change the code themselves.
  8. Y

    Reward groups

    I'll have a look at the code in the morning. Its currently 6am here and I've not slept yet.
  9. Y

    Cancel Buttons

    There is a modification on which allows you to select multiple files to edit filenames/delete/move to and from folders. As for the cancel buttons, I don't think its necessary as you can just click the back button in the browser and that will do the same thing
  10. Y

    Reward groups

    You can de-select the countries in the group by holding down ctrl and clicking on the active/selected countries. That will in theory disable the groups, but I'm not sure if the listing for the groups will continue to show on the rewards info page.
  11. Y

    Not allowing countries to download

    Only way would be to have a custom modification so that you can check the users ip against a ip/country database. Or block the ip's using the server firewall/iptables/.htaccess
  12. Y

    How long files are kept

    As far as I know they are kept for xx days since the last download
  13. Y

    Critical BUG

    You could sha1() the md5'd passwords which would make it fairly easy to update the passwords in the database. Even adding a salt to the passwords in the database would be easy with a simple script. Even better than md5() or sha1() is the crypt() function
  14. Y

    Critical BUG

    Whilst I agree that md5 is vulnerable, its only vulnerable if somehow the malicious user was able to find the md5 hashes. So unless you are using insecure server/script/database passwords I can't see anyway that the malicious user is going to be able to get the hashes. I did submit an RFC for...
  15. Y

    modification of account home

    See the thread on :) Locking this topic as its related to a modification & not the main script
  16. Y

    Cant Have php.ini?

    If you have a dedicated server then you shouldn't need custom php.ini files in the htdocs/public_html directory as it its better controlled by the global php.ini. Have you made any changes to php? Such as phpsu phpsuexec? As I phpsu has global over rides to stop the use of custom php.ini files
  17. Y

    modification of account home

    Re: modification of Edit/Move/Delete Multiple Files plus get The modification is made by YetiShareMods who is has no affiliation to MFScripts. I have edited your post to be more relevent to the Yetishare script functions. As a quick fix you can do the following: Open _account_home.ajax.php...
  18. Y

    Error HTTP 500 after upgrade from v3.2 to v3.3

    Its difficult to see any problem without access to site or server. If its possible, can you give me ftp access and send me the details via pm so I can take a look for you?
  19. Y

    Error HTTP 500 after upgrade from v3.2 to v3.3

    Check if there's a file names "error_log" in the /gggg/ folder and see if there's any errors. Did you change the .htaccess? Change RewriteBase / to RewriteBase /gggg
  20. Y

    Error HTTP 500 after upgrade from v3.2 to v3.3

    It looks like v3.2 to me because you do not have the extra link under the upload area like in the image below.