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  1. E

    High loads on mysql after 4.2 upgrade

    You can tweek the my.cnf file to prevent mysql from using all memory. You can also increase your swap to prevent system crash.
  2. E

    Ctrl+A in remote URL Box (when loggedin)

    Ctrl + a works, but it will select all files in the file manager. A quick solution would be adding a javascript button on the remote upload that selects the textarea when clicked.
  3. E

    Recommend Hosting Providers - Who do you use?

    I'm not in Europe and the laws on my country prevent me to delete user's content without a court order. I just can't comply with DMCA. The laws also state that sites are not responsible for contents uploaded by third parties. Yes we know: filesharing sites started to pop everywhere and Kim...
  4. E

    Recommend Hosting Providers - Who do you use?

    Many good hosts use .com and .net domains. is one good example of this. I think the file servers are not a issue since people will just send the complaints to your main server where the download page is. I think that in this level it's better to maintain your own servers and...
  5. E

    Copy file inside one account

    You can use the remote upload feature to download your own file to another folder.
  6. E

    Wrong upload_source value for remote uploads

    I just checked the manual and using the last comma is a valid syntax. It's kinda weird and many other languages don't allow it, including javascript.
  7. E

    Wrong upload_source value for remote uploads

    Files created by the remote upload feature are being created with upload_source = 'direct'. I guess the correct should be 'remote'. Add this line after line 64 in /admin/tasks/process_remote_file_downloads.cron.php to correct this: 'upload_soure'=>'remote' Obs: The last member of an array...
  8. E

    was sanity check just kidding?

    Are you using cpanel? Cpanel takes some time to update the information about used space on each account.
  9. E

    Payment Gateways

    I don't know to which country do you guys sell more but here in Brazil we have at least 4 payment gateways that allow filesharing sites. There are also a local payment method called "boleto" which is like an invoice that the client can pay on any bank and the money is delivered directly in your...
  10. E

    Information ppv

    I think that mfscripts will launch a new script like yetishare but for video streaming soon.
  11. E

    Download tokens can only be used by a specific IP

    There are no safe ways to prevent this. But you can save the ips that download the files and easily search for this behavior in the logs. The best way to prevent users from sharing links is blocking their accounts when they do.
  12. E

    Information ppv

    The current rewards plugin has only ppd and pps, but it's not difficult to edit the ppd and make a ppv.
  13. E

    Blank screen in Safari 5.1.7 for windows

    Hello, The code <img src="<?php echo SITE_IMAGE_PATH; ?>/file_icons/sprite_48px.png" style="width: 1px; height:1px; position: absolute; top: -99999px;"/> on account_home.html was causing a blank screen on the file manager using Safari 5.1.7 for windows. I'm not sure why, but removing it fixed...
  14. E

    Re: Security issues with YSmods Voucher Plugin

    Security issues with YSmods Voucher Plugin Hello, ysmods doesn't exists anymore, I know, but I must warn everybody who bought this plugin about some security flaws that I've found. The plugin doesn't implement security checks in the payments. Resellers can tweak the html form and order any...
  15. E

    Better way to track PPS in the rewards plugin

    I just realized that this topic may fit better in the "Request For Changes (RFCs)" area. Fell free to move it if you like, Adam.
  16. E

    Better way to track PPS in the rewards plugin

    Hello, Here is how the plugin works: - The file creates a session and a cookie with the affiliate id. - The class orderPeer uses the session/cookie when a new order is created, totally outside the plugin scope. - The file _append_payment_ipn_paypal.php is called after a...
  17. E

    Safari bugs

    I tested in safari for mac and it is ok. In safari for windows I get a blank page on the file manager on my installation. Probably some error in the javascript.
  18. E

    sessions in mysql table

    I edited my last post before you answer. But yes, some users may not be able to tune mysql correctly. But using sessions like that is worse even in the default mysql configs. Mysql 7 default configs are just 8mb of key_buffer_size and just 1mb of query_cache_size. This session table should use...
  19. E

    sessions in mysql table

    There are many other issues with this. The session table have 3 of its 4 fields as indexes. Many indexes result in a larger size and slower inserts and updates. The index with the varchar 255 is also huge and may eat up the key buffer. If the id is an hex of 32 chars, why not use binary(16) in...
  20. E

    sessions in mysql table

    But Adam, how many information is there in the plugins table? Not much. Even if it means many queries, those queries are likely to be cached in ram forever. If you replicate the same information over several sessions you are duplicating the data and creating more data. Note that information...