How To Clean Your Sewing Machine: An Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Before using any of the tools regarding sewing or machine, one should have proper knowledge about the handling and cleaning. To increase the life of sewing machine and to boost the performance it’s necessary to learn basic things about it. If you are using the best sewing machine for beginners making clothes then you must have a little information about cleaning and handling of the machine.
For the further information, beginners should definitely check this video to find out the
best small sewing machine for beginners you should buy. The first thing you can do to make your machine work efficiently and to increase the lifespan of it is to clean the lint from it. The more you work on the sewing machine, the more it requires cleaning. It’s just not about the performance but about how you can save your money from the repairs.
Choose the best small sewing machine for beginners
If you are not cleaning your machine after getting done with the work then some part of it will stop working and you have to spend a good amount for the repairing purpose. Here we are with the easiest and safest methods to clean the machine for the beginners.
Most of the machine comes up with the lint brush so you don’t have to do extra effort at the time of cleaning the sewing machine. If you don’t have one then buy one or a fine makeup brush can clean the lint as well. In cleaning tools include a soft cloth to wipe the machine. Keep small-scale vacuum as well to pull the dust and lint out of the hidden spots.
Small-scale vacuum is the same one which helps in pulling the dust out of the keyboard keys. These vacuums are common and are available online. You can also have pipe cleaners or mascara brushes to clean the several parts of the machine easily.
Unplug To Clean
Now the first thing you should do is to unplug the machine and remove the needle from the holder. It’s better to separate each part of the machine from one another so you can clean the sewing machine easily.
Remove the bobbin from the machine and if you have no idea and you are a novice then read the manual of the machine. If it’s possible then remove the bobbin from the cover only if you know how to settle it down back again. If you have no idea then let it be fixed and don’t touch it until you read about how to fix the machine parts together.
Start Cleaning Step By Step:
Start cleaning from the lint brush. Pull the lint out from the feed dogs until it’s clear and ready to use again. Keep your hand light in pressure at the time of cleaning without damaging any of the parts which are small and delicate. After brushing properly, use a vacuum to suck out all the lint. Check the lint under feed dog and race area of the machine.
At the time of using canned air, make sure you are not going far away. Just move it up and down or left and right. If you got a sewing machine which has a side cover then remove it and clean the thread area. If a machine has no side area then with the help of canned air blow the area, it will clean the tension disk of the stitching machine.
Repeat the steps a few time until you think your machine is completely cleaned and you have pulled all the lint out of the machine. Now it’s time to put back all the parts together. If you are a beginner then it must be a little hectic for you to clean the machine for the first time and this is the reason why we highly recommend the
best sewing machine for beginners to learn about the parts. For more information about the machines best for beginners, you can visit sewing machine reviews online to read our latest sewing machine guides.
Exterior Cleaning:
At the time of cleaning the interior of the sewing machine, keep your hand light in terms of pressure and make sure you have fixed all the parts back to the position. Now it’s time to clean the exterior portion of the machine and for that, we need a soft cloth. Don’t use a wet cloth but you can use a damp cloth to remove the stains from the machine if there are any.
Plug in your machine and turn the switch on. After cleaning the machine, first, run it without a needle to check if everything is working perfectly. Check bobbin and its case for the first few minutes to test the performance. When you are satisfied with the smooth working, turn off the machine and replace the bobbin. Add few needles and double check if the flat side of the needle is at the correct side.
Lubrication is an essential thing to do when you want to boost the performance of the sewing machine. Once your sewing machine is free from the lint and it’s completely cleaned then you can use oil to lubricate. Never ever use household oils or WD-40 when you are lubricating. These oils are not going to increase the performance of the machine but will damage some parts.
Always use sewing machine oil when you are performing lubrication. Read the manual and always use the oil which is written in the manual of the machine to save your machine parts from the damage or jamming.
Sewing machines are tough but delicate at the same time. These machines can help you with sewing the whole project but at the same time if you are not going to care about the cleanliness then the interior will get damaged. To start your beginner’s journey of stitching, occupy the best affordable sewing machine for beginners.
Learn how to handle it and you can save the money by maintaining it and cleaning it. Besides using the
best sewing machine for beginners as we recommended before, you should follow the steps mentioned above to clean the sewing machine and keep your focusing on what you love to stitch.