Recent content by 0x0001

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    Request For Changes (RFCs) API with chunked upload method

    Hi, I am waiting for API with chunked upload method for many years. Is it still planned? Many yetishare owners wait for that. Thanks
  2. 0

    Yetishare v4.5.5: php curl file upload API not working

    I want to ask if Yetishare v5 already has chunked uploading in its API. It will be a good time to prepare my server for the major update if it is the case.
  3. 0

    Watch time limit for mediaplayer pluggin

    I would be glad if this will come as feature.
  4. 0

    Version v5.6.0 Media Converter Issue Local Stroage and Remote Storage

    The file cant be moved back to the origin Server what is the issue? Error Log: