A couple things


New Member
YetiShare User
Apr 10, 2014
My thoughts on what can make this a much better script. Not sure what's exactly planned for the next release as I have not seen a beta list of stuff we can expect. Also if any of these suggestions are already implemented, I apologize as it means I could not find any documentation on it.

  • Mirror Servers - Helps with load balancing servers that are being raped. For example in the admin panel, you can add 2 servers that have the same hostname but essentially be a copy of each other. You can then use a DNS round-robin so that users can connect to the server closer to them.
  • Cross-server File Management - If I have 2 servers, but one is being under-utilized, I could go to the admin panel and move some of the popular files over to the other server. That way the load is distributed a little.
  • [Point #2 expanded] Add "HOT" servers - Specify a server or multiple servers to be used for "HOT" content. If a file reaches a certain threshold, it is moved to a hot server. Hot servers are essentially faster servers you have in your infrastructure to serve the extremely popular files, similarly like how you'd cache actively used data in memory.
  • FTP upload for servers without cpanel.
  • Domain Blacklist - Setup a blacklist of domains, so that users cannot register with them.
  • Proper theme/template support - Separate the script logic from the presentation
  • Slightly more functional API.
  • Plugin URLs - It looks unprofessional (and a potential security risk) for the embed URLs of the Media Player plugin to be that long and show the actual path of the plugin files.

I'll update this list when I think of something new to add.