Big Redirect Issue with Frames


New Member
Wurlie User
May 12, 2011

I am not sure if this issue was brought up by someone else, but it seems to make our installation almost useless.

When using Top or Bottom Bar redirects, it uses frames.

The issue is MANY websites are not compatible with this (many have Frame Busters, YoutTube is not compatible and others)

We need every single possible URL that can be created to be compatible as obviously we have no control over what is being generated.

Can someone please help?

Much appreciated


Staff member
Dec 5, 2009
It doesn't make the script 'useless', if you use the direct redirect or delayed redirect option within the script it works just fine. This is how the majority of other short url sites work on the web.

The framed redirect option is an addition which allows you to set advertising if you choose. There are restrictions with this method which mean sites which remove frames don't work. There's no way round it I'm afraid. If there was, the sites in question wouldn't even bother using the frame removal code at all.

A minor tweak might be to add a line of code to the short url redirect and if it's a youtube link, just use the delayed redirect, else using framed redirect.
