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  1. G

    Download take a long time to start

    I am having the same issue with XAccelRedirect. I was able to plug it in nginx settings and make it work but take like 5 -10 seconds for download to start. I have enabled it from the admin side. I restarted both nginx and php-fpm on both server and file server side. Is there something we are...
  2. G

    3.4 release

    Hey I was going to start doing some custom modifications to the script, but before I start: I was wondering whats your expecting time delivery on the 3.4 release?
  3. G

    Options we need admin

    I currently own a big file sharing site and have decided to work around your script and do some modification to meet the big fish needs. Here is couple things I would suggest and would want to know how we can plugin: 1. Upload to file servers should direct straight to file servers instead of...